Vytorin and quick fixes may help treat high cholesterol

Looking for some quick ways to lower your cholesterol in addition to taking Vytorin? We have a few simple steps you can take to keep those numbers in a range that your doctor won't complain about.

Looking for some quick ways to lower your cholesterol in addition to taking Vytorin? We have a few simple steps you can take to keep those numbers in a range that your doctor won't complain about.

When it comes to foods

  • Eat more fish and less high-fat meats, as the omega-3s you'll be consuming help to lower blood pressure. So, not only will you be getting more of something that's good for you, you'll also be ingesting less of what's bad for you.
  • Avoid "low-fat" foods, as these may still not be the best options. In order for an item to be labeled as such, it must have 3 grams of fat or less per serving. However, what is that serving size and how many of them are you going to eat?
  • Increasing your fiber intake can help lower cholesterol, so consider enjoying oatmeal for breakfast, snacking on an orange after lunch and finishing with a dinner that has some broccoli on the plate.
  • Although trans fats may soon be banned from grocery store shelves, you can still find them there for the time being. So, just stay away from anything listing hydrogenated ingredients on its label.

As for your lifestyle

  • Instead of browsing the Internet or sitting in the break room, use your lunch as a time to get a little physical activity into your routine. This can be as easy as going for a 15-minute walk on a daily basis.
  • Occasionally, it's OK to unwind after a long day (or week) with a glass of wine. As with most things, this should only be done in moderation. One 4-ounce glass of red for females and two for males on a Friday night may even lower cholesterol.
  • If you're a smoker, it's time to quit. This lowers your good cholesterol and can seriously increase your risk of heart disease. Talk to your doctor if you need help fighting off those nicotine cravings.

If you buy generic Vytorin, it's important that you are aware of the intricacies of this drug. Talk to your doctor to learn more about which medications and foods should be avoided while you're on the cholesterol medication. Additionally, some antibiotics you purchase from a Canadian pharmacy may also have negative interactions with Vytorin. So, if you become ill, make sure you talk to your health care provider or pharmacist about all prescriptions you are currently on.