
AAP statement: Recess key for healthy kids

The fight against childhood obesity involves several factors, and exercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle at any age............

Study finds cancer screening rates lower than U_S_ goal

According to a new report from the University of Miami, recent years have seen fewer people getting screened............

Study shows keeping emotions bottled up can be unhealthy

The research team concluded that properly expressing emotions, whether good or bad, could add two years to a person's lifespan............

CDC study looks at cardio health of states and healthy participants

In addition to gauging risk factors among those with healthier hearts, the study looked at disparities between the states............

Governor Brown being treated for prostate cancer

Although prostate cancer is common, survival rates are relatively high............

High blood pressure may speed up cognitive aging

Blood pressure has long been connected to heart health, and new research from the University of California Davis suggests blood pressure's effects may also extend to the brain............

New associations found between depression and heart failure

Those with heart failure are at increased risk of depression, and according to a new study from University of California Davis and Duke University, proper depression control can improve physical health for heart failure patients............

Testosterone low in young men with obesity

As well as being at increased risk for conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, overweight teenage boys may also be likely to have lower testosterone levels than other children their age, according to a new study published this week in the journal Clinical Endocrinology............

This red fruit may boost your health

Apples aren't the only fruits that could boost heart health. Recent research published in the journal Neurology suggests that tomatoes could lower your risk of stroke............

Loss of smell linked to neurological conditions

Losing one's sense of smell is one of the first signs of onset for a number of neurodegenerative conditions including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and according to new research from Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, one more disease is being added to the list............

Science unveils the wandering mind

The mind tends to wander, and not always for the worse............

Insulin-blocking protein unraveled

Novel therapies for diabetes may soon emerge as researchers study a new genetic technique to inhibit an insulin-blocking protein, theoretically allowing the body to process insulin normally............

New biomarkers could result in better prevention and treatment for type 2 diabetes

Researchers from the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DlfE) and the Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) have discovered 14 new biomarkers for type 2 diabetes that could lead to new treatments and earlier diagnoses............

The battle over BPA wages on

First synthesized in 1891 as artificial estrogen, the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) has since had a long and arduous history with environmentalist groups, government agencies, health organizations and individuals that has left BPA manufacturers of the losing end of a century-old tug-of-war............

New research links cell death during cardiac events to calcium overload

Researchers from the University of Iowa have discovered new ways to inhibit certain enzymes, potentially preventing further damage to heart cells and creating new treatment options for heart disease............

"The Biggest Loser" helps science understand weight loss extremes

Diet and exercise work together better than apart, and best in moderation, according to new research including contestant data from the reality television show "The Biggest Loser" and conducted by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases............

Study finds increased risk of cardiovascular disease with poor diabetes care

Blood glucose control is the central imperative to effective treatment of type 1 diabetes, and according to a new study published this week in PLOS Medicine, patients with the disease who have poor blood sugar control may be at risk for more serious complications than previously thought............

Small amounts of exercise can improve morale of overweight adolescents

A recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology examined the effects of stationary cycling to music or interactive video games on the mental wellness of overweight youth. Findings showed that both methods were effective at psychosocial competence............

Doctors put heads together to tackle difficult-to-treat depression

A recent report from the Medical Journal of Australia provides new insight into some of the causes of failed treatments for patients with depression as well as alternatives that may help tackle the condition more effectively............

Too much glucose control for diabetes patients may cause aspirin resistance

Aspirin resistance often follows aggressive glucose-lowering therapies for type 2 diabetes...........

Apples could improve heart health by lowering "bad" cholesterol

Apples may improve heart health by lowering levels of iodized LDL cholesterol, the main cause of atherosclerosis............

Dark chocolate improves memory in snails

When Lee Fruson, an undergraduate at the University of Calgary, wanted to test the effect of the dark chocolate flavonoid epicatechin, he decided to use the pond snail, which at baseline can remember only one trained task at a time............

African spiny mice regenerate skin without any scars

Research with the African spiny mouse is now pointing to possible new tissue-regeneration options for patients suffering from skin disorders, or who may have been caught during a fire............

International study bolsters understanding of heart disease and stroke

New research from the European Heart Network finds that while heart disease deaths are decreasing, factors hint at a possible resurgence in the near future............

Lack of sleep may increase diabetes risk, study finds

A new study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, published today in the journal Sleep, has found evidence that sleep loss can increase the risk of diabetes by causing an insulin resistance in youth............

Retired military leaders say many Americans are 'Too Fat to Fight'

Stating that the obesity epidemic is a threat to national security, a coalition of former military personnel issued a report to Congress............

Knee replacement revision procedures on the rise, research shows

A Harvard study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that while there is a growing rate of knee replacements among seniors, the rates of complications for these patients is rising as well............

High schoolers protest healthy lunches

Kansas students created a YouTube protest parody video set to the tune of contemporary power ballad "We Are Young."...........

Combat-related PTSD may improve with integrated treatments

A Scripps Institute study recently published in Military Medicine shows evidence that a combination of medications and alternative treatments such as healing touch and guided imagery could be far more effective at treating PTSD than medication alone in the case of military patients............

Aging population could have ongoing impact on economy

As the population of individuals over the age of 65 continues to inflate, the nation should prepare for significant changes............

Yogurt consumption linked to low blood pressure

If 2 percent of an individual's caloric intake comes from nonfat yogurt, it reduces the odds that he or she will develop hypertension by 31 percent............

New study says ginkgo biloba does not enhance memory or thinking

Those who add a ginkgo biloba supplement to their daily routine might not be getting what they're hoping for............

Sugary beverages linked to weight gain

A pair of studies examined the effect of the consumption of sugary beverages on the development of childhood obesity............

Researchers try to pinpoint risks of alcoholism relapse

German researchers say they're closer to inventing a diagnostic method for determining the odds that sober alcoholics will begin drinking again............

Sibling-less children are more prone to obesity, study says

A European study indicates that kids who grow up without any siblings are 50 percent more likely to develop overweight or obesity problems............

Alcohol abuse is a better indicator than dependence for hereditary risk, according to study

Looking at more than 1,100 twins, researchers found a greater genetic connection for the development of alcohol abuse than alcohol dependence............

Working out reduces stress and anxiety, study says

A study shows that a reasonable amount of exercise could combat stress and anxiety............

Lives of women preserved by breast cancer screening, Australian research says

In a survey of breast cancer patients scientists determined that those who had undergone a screening had a 50 percent better chance of surviving the disease............

Insomnia is rampant in the UK

Great Britain, it seems, is a profoundly restless country, according to an international group of scientists............

Heart attack care and outcomes are notably bad for women under 45, says study

Some people assume that heart attacks only happen to older individuals, which is a major problem for recognizing heart attack symptoms when they occur in younger people............

Scientists say brain stimulation could combat obesity

An article tells of the potential for an obesity treatment that utilizes "deep brain stimulation."...........

Teens who have oral sex are likely to engage in other risky sexual behavior

A new study from the CDC shows that only 5.1 percent of females and 6.5 percent of males surveyed who had oral sex opted against taking their hanky panky to the next level............

New Alzheimer's treatment is proven ineffective

Much to the disappointment of many Alzheimer's patients and their loved ones, Canadian and international pharmacies won't be selling the intravenous form of bapineuzumab anytime soon............

Pumping iron could reduce one's risk of type 2 diabetes

Cooperation from a transatlantic group of scientists has produced results showing that individuals who are trying to avoid type 2 diabetes could consider hitting the weight room............

Scientists work on a cure for type 1 diabetes

Sanford Health has begun the process of compiling research that could potentially put an end to type 1 diabetes............

Olympians are not immune to osteoarthritis

Even Olympic athletes can end up in a position of having to buy Hyalgan or buy Euflexxa to treat chronic joint pain............

New drug therapy approved for breast cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, 1 out of 8 women have a lifetime risk of developing breast cancer............

Researchers alter behavior in monkey using optogenetics

A study published in Current Biology on controlling the behavior of monkeys with light activating specific brain cells led researchers to believe that a similar process could be used therapeutically in humans............

No difference in metabolic rates found between hunter-gatherers and desk workers

Experts on health and fitness have long believed that our hunter-gatherer ancestors used more energy than we do now, suggesting that lack of exercise may cause the obesity epidemic............

HIV funding is critical despite economic crisis

Prevention is critical to decreasing the prevalence of the costly HIV/AIDS illness............

Air pollution linked to depression

Depression has many environmental and circumstantial roots, causing patients to seek relief through psychotherapy and psychopharmaceuticals...........

Teenagers have safer sex than they did 20 years ago

The CDC has announced that condom usage among teenagers is more frequent that it was 20 years ago............

Actor's special "Batman" diet may help people avoid arthritis

To ensure she'd be able to handle the stunt work needed to play Catwoman in the Dark Knight Rises, Anne Hathaway went on an "anti-inflammatory diet."...........

Diabetes affecting the elderly is on the rise

Many more Americans may find themselves with a prescription to buy Actos after the onset of diabetes............

Ultrasound could generate bone cell growth, study says

Stony Brook University in New York has unveiled a study that indicates medium level ultrasound could animate bone-forming cells............

Diet, supplements, exercise may reduce chance of bone fractures

Individuals who buy Actonel to treat their osteoporosis could augment their strategy with very simple actions............

Patients with osteoporosis risk factors should talk to their doctor

Osteoporosis is a silent disease, meaning it doesn't present any symptoms as it progresses. In fact, most people do not know that they have the condition until they break a bone............

Moderate drinking may reduce arthritis risk

A prescription to buy Celebrex is one of the most effective treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, but a glass of wine might not hurt either............

Cancer testing rates high in people with RA

Previous estimates have indicated that patients who have rheumatoid arthritis are less likely to receive cancer testing than the general public, despite the fact that they have much higher rates of tumors............

Making lifestyle changes is easier than treating heart disease, group says

Individuals who buy Lipitor to prevent their high cholesterol from developing into heart disease may want to make some lifestyle changes as well............

Online programs help depression patients deal with symptoms

The use of online depression counseling programs may bring significant symptom relief and help people avoid common complications of the mood disorder, according to a new study from a team of Australian researchers............

New study explains why high-fat foods increase cholesterol

Eating a high-fat diet is one sure way to develop high cholesterol and require a prescription to buy Lipitor. However, until recently medical experts did not know exactly why eating fat increased cholesterol levels............

Obesity contributes to arthritis in several ways

Keeping extra weight off is known to play an important role in preventing the development of arthritic conditions and minimizing the risk of requiring a prescription to buy Celebrex...........

New study links osteoporosis to cognitive decline

Individuals should seek bone density testing and talk to their doctor about a prescription to buy Fosamx as they get older. A new study published in the journal Menopause has found that there is a strong correlation between osteoporosis and cognitive decline............

With arthritis, exercise is key but too much can be a risk

Exercising regularly is important for individuals who require a prescription to buy Celebrex to treat their arthritis. Consistent activity helps keep the joints limber............

New study links depression to stroke risk

Individuals who suffer from depression or other types of psychological distress may be at an increased risk of dying from stroke, according to a new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal...........

Phone calls help diabetics adopt healthier lifestyles

A prescription to buy Actos can greatly improve diabetics' ability to control their blood sugar levels. However, lifestyle changes are equally important............

Social interaction diminishes depressive symptoms, study finds

In addition to seeking a prescription to buy Paxil, individuals who struggle with depression may want to simply spend more time socializing with friends. New evidence suggests that this can be a powerful complementary treatment for depression............

Depression may be major cause of daytime fatigue

Millions of people experience fatigue and sleepiness during the day. New evidence indicates that this may be a symptom of obesity and depression. The findings suggest that many people may benefit from a prescription to buy Paxil............

Sleep apnea treatment may improve depression symptoms

A common treatment for sleep apnea may help individuals with depression minimize their symptoms, according to a new study presented at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies............

Low-carb diets may lead to high cholesterol

A low-carbohydrate diet is often an effective way for individuals to reduce their body weight............

Early menopause linked to decreased risk of arthritis

Women who experienced early menopause may have a decreased risk of requiring a prescription to buy Celebrex. New research indicates that women who develop rheumatoid arthritis after experiencing early menopause tend to have less severe joint pain............

Exercise may not improve depression treatment

Individuals who require a prescription to buy Paxil to treat their depressive symptoms are often advised to get more exercise, as physical activity has been linked to improved treatment outcomes. However, a new study questions the effectiveness of this recommendation............

Telephone counseling proven effective in depression treatment

When a prescription to buy Paxil is combined with behavioral counseling, patients with depression can experience significant improvements in their condition. New evidence suggests that administering counseling via the telephone may be an effective approach............

Osteoporosis screening is needed to prevent fractures

Older adults, particularly women, should talk to their doctor about bone density testing and possibly a prescription to buy Fosamax, as experts say the condition often goes undiagnosed until a person experiences a fracture............

Cherries reduce inflammation in arthritic joints

Individuals who suffer from arthritis may be able to reduce inflammation in their joints and therefore pain by consuming more tart cherries. New research suggests that cherries have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. They may function as an effective complement to a prescription to buy Celebrex............

New study explains why the obese have higher rates of depression

Experts have known that obese individuals are more likely to require a prescription to buy Paxil to treat symptoms of depression than slimmer people. A new study may help explain why this association between obesity and depression exists............

Stay-at-home moms have high rates of depression

Stay-at-home moms are more likely to develop depression than other women, according to a new Gallup-Healthways poll. The findings suggest that these individuals may have a greater need for a prescription to buy Paxil............

Group calls for collaborative efforts to increase exercise among arthritis patients

In order to help people with arthritis get more exercise, the Arthritis Foundation is calling on groups across the country to make more options for activity available to older adults...........

Expert recommends early interventions against depression

Psychological checkups in which doctors provide counseling to help patients avoid developing depression should be just as common as vaccines against infections, says an expert from the University of California, San Francisco............

Men with heart failure face high risk of depression

Depression is known to be more common among women than men, but new research suggests that when it comes to heart failure patients, this may not necessarily be the case. Men with the chronic cardiovascular disease may be more likely to require a prescription to buy Paxil............

Few people are aware of how arthritis can affect their life

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability, yet few people are aware of how common the condition is or how likely they are to develop it during their lifetime, according to a new study............

Rising arthritis rates may be linked to obesity epidemic

Obesity rates in the U.S. continue to climb. Now, a team of researchers is saying that this may be contributing to a rise in the number of people with arthritis............

Low testosterone may contribute to diabetes risk

Millions of men develop testosterone deficiencies as they age. New research suggests that this may put individuals at an elevated risk of developing diabetes, which could require them to buy Actos............

Charity walks help arthritis patients get more active

As part of efforts to raise funding for the fight against arthritis and increase awareness about the importance of physical activity, cities across the country are gearing up to host charity walks to benefit the Arthritis Foundation............

Misconceptions stand in the way of treatment for postpartum depression

Postpartum depression can be a serious problem that affects the health of the mother and baby. However, many women do not seek treatment for it due to misconceptions............

Group seeks to educate people about arthritis

The Arthritis Foundation has recognized May as Arthritis Action Month. As part of the observance, the group is leading efforts to increase understanding of arthritis and show people ways they can improve their life............

Depression found to be common among arthritis patients

Individuals with arthritis may have more to worry about than simply joint pain. New research suggests that these individuals have a substantially elevated risk of suffering from depression, which increases the likelihood they will require a prescription to buy Paxil............

New study links early menopause to high osteoporosis risk

Women who have begun going through menopause at an early age may want to talk to their doctor about whether a prescription to buy Fosamax is right for them. New research indicates that these individuals face a high risk of developing osteoporosis............

Eggs shown to improve cholesterol levels of metabolic syndrome patients

Eggs are typically off the diets of individuals who require a prescription to buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol. The food is extremely high in cholesterol, and is generally thought to have negative cardiovascular effects............

Walking may benefit patients with depression

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Paxil to treat depression, simply adding some more walking to their daily routine may deliver strong benefits, according to a new study published in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity............

Soda consumption linked to stroke risk

Individuals who require a prescription to buy Plavix to control their risk of suffering a stroke may benefit from eliminating soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages from their diet............

Researchers identify genetic variants that may lead to osteoporosis

It is possible to treat osteoporosis with a prescription to buy Fosamax before it has a chance to cause any real harm. However, connecting patients to these treatments can be difficult...........

More people should add cholesterol-lowering foods to their diet, researchers say

In addition to a prescription to buy Lipitor, certain foods may play an important role in lowering cholesterol. However, a new study has found that eating low-saturated fat foods may not be enough............

Exercise and medications are key to treating osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis can be difficult to treat with any one method. A prescription to buy Celebrex can eliminate much of the pain. However, complementary methods may be needed in addition to medications to slow the progression of the disease............

Drug company launches new tool to help diabetics avoid hypoglycemia

Most diabetics spend the majority of their time trying to avoid high blood sugar levels, and take medications like a prescription to buy Actos to avoid the problem............

New study links plastics chemical to diabetes risk

Individuals who are regularly exposed to PVC plastic and certain cosmetics may have a higher risk of developing diabetes and requiring a prescription to buy Actos. A new study has linked a common component of these products to metabolic risk factors............

Tree nut consumption linked to healthier cholesterol levels

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Lipitor to treat their high cholesterol, eating more tree nuts each day may benefit their condition............

Patients should be mindful of osteoporosis risk factors

Osteoporosis can be difficult to detect. A prescription to buy Fosamax may help a patient improve their bone strength, but the medication is no good if the individual does not know they have the condition............

Experts say preventing diabetes risk factors is critical

A prescription to buy Actos can make it easier for diabetics to manage their health, but diabetes is still a burdensome condition to treat............

Common measure of heart function may be overused

Exhaustive testing is the best way for doctors to diagnose patients' potential heart problems and determine if they need a prescription to buy Paxil. However, a team of researchers from Stanford University has found that one costly and potentially risky test may be frequently overused............

Osteoporosis group agrees testing is overused

Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry is considered the primary way to measure bone density and determine if a patient requires a prescription to buy Fosamax. Yet a recent report suggested that this procedure may not be necessary for women under 65 who have no osteoporosis risk factors............

Researchers find brain activity patterns associated with depression

Individuals who tend to ruminate on negative thoughts are more likely to develop depression and require a prescription to buy Paxil............

Rheumatoid arthritis patients face high risk of GI complications

Individuals who have rheumatoid arthritis and require a prescription to buy Celebrex may have more to worry about than just joint pain. A new study published in the Journal of Rheumatology indicates that these individuals also face a much higher risk of lower gastrointestinal complications............

Family members of cancer patients face higher heart disease and stroke risk

Individuals who have family members being treated for cancer may want to pay greater attention to their own health. New research indicates that the families of cancer patients have much higher rates of coronary heart disease and stroke............

Low-glycemic index breakfast helps regulate blood sugar throughout the day

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Actos to manage their diabetes, simply eating a breakfast made up of low-glycemic index foods may result in significantly improved blood sugar control, a pair of experts said............

New study links fast food to depression

Individuals who consume greater amounts of fast food tend to have higher rates of depression, according to a new study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition............

New study confirms benefits of weight loss surgery for diabetics

Many diabetics require a prescription to buy Actos to control their blood sugar. They are forced to test their glucose levels multiple times per day and pay very close attention to what they eat............

Dense breast material tied to higher risk of cancer recurrence

Women with dense breast tissue who have previously been treated for breast cancer may face a greater risk of having a tumor return, according to a new study out of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden............

Osteoporosis represents major economic burden

Osteoporosis is not just a health problem. It is also a serious economic issue, as a new study has shown that treatments for fractures and other health problems associated with the condition can cost millions of dollars per year............

Arthritis and hypothyroidism linked to heart disease

Individuals with inflammatory arthritis have long been known to face a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Now, new research suggests that these individuals may be even more likely to experience heart health problems if they also suffer from hypothyroidism............

Seniors' depression may worsen in the spring

Depression is very common among seniors. Many older individuals require a prescription to buy Paxil to manage their mood problems............

More cardiovascular risk factors lead to shorter life, study finds

For individuals who have high cholesterol, seeking a prescription to buy Lipitor and improving their lifestyle in other important ways could significantly reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular causes, according to a new study............

Osteoarthritis pain can be crippling

Some people think when they receive a diagnosis of osteoarthritis that living with the condition will be relatively easy............

Losing sleep linked to overeating

For individuals who receive a prescription to buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol levels, a good night's sleep may be very important. New evidence suggests that people who lose sleep at night tend to eat more during the day, which could contribute to weight gain and poor heart health............

Eliminating abdominal fat leads to improved vascular health

Losing abdominal weight is considered one of the most effective ways to avoid heart disease and prevent a heart attack or stroke. This can be very beneficial for individuals who receive a prescription to buy Plavix............

Arthritis patients can effectively rate their own condition, researchers find

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Celebrex to treat their rheumatoid arthritis, it is important for medical professionals to be kept aware of the condition of their joints. This is central to the ability of doctors to adjust treatments or recommend new lifestyle habits............

Cholesterol testing plays important role in treatment of heart

A prescription to buy Lipitor can be a powerful tool to help individuals lower their cholesterol levels, but not if a person is unaware that they have high cholesterol............

Osteoporosis testing plays important role in treatment

Regular bone density testing is important for individuals who may be at risk for developing osteoporosis............

Time change may increase heart attack risk, expert says

The changing of the clocks this weekend could represent a significant risk for individuals who require a prescription to buy Plavix to reduce their chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke............

Finnish team develops new screening method for osteoporosis

Many cases of osteoporosis are not diagnosed until the patient breaks a bone. This is unfortunate given the fact that a prescription to buy Fosamax can help individuals with the condition significantly reduce their fracture risk............

Advanced cholesterol tests may not be necessary

In order for a person to know if a prescription to buy Lipitor is right for them, they need to have their cholesterol levels checked. However, these days there are a number of new and less proven procedures for measuring cholesterol in the body that experts say may not be worth their price............

Poor blood sugar control may lead to kidney damage

A prescription to buy Actos can play an important role in a diabetic's ability to control their blood sugar levels............

Lifestyle improvements help lower cholesterol levels

Obtaining a prescription to buy Lipitor can be a powerful way for individuals to lower their cholesterol levels. However, just because a person is taking the medication doesn't mean they should give up on lifestyle improvements............

Long periods of sitting may be metabolic risk factor for women

Women who spend too much time sitting may be more likely to develop diabetes, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine............

Arthritis patients need to exercise more, experts say

For individuals who suffer from any type of arthritis, few things are better for their condition than remaining active. When paired with a prescription to buy Celebrex, exercise can be a powerful tool for keeping joints flexible and pain-free............

Cold weather represents heart health risk

Individuals who require a prescription to buy Plavix may want to stay away from cold-weather activities such as shoveling or exercising outdoors............

More people may benefit from soy-based diet than previously thought

Most individuals who require a prescription to buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol levels may also benefit from eating more soy. A new study suggests that a compound in this food has benefits for a greater number of people than previously thought............

Obesity rate decline

After rising at dramatic rates for much of the past decade, obesity rates appear to be leveling off, according to a new report from Gallup-Healthways. The findings suggest that fewer people may be at risk for developing diabetes and requiring a prescription to buy Actos............

New study identifies risk factors for parental depression

Studies have shown that a father's depressive symptoms can have a major impact on the health and development of his children............

New study links BPA to heart disease

Individuals who have higher levels of exposure to the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) may be more likely to require a prescription to buy Plavix at some point in their life. New research indicates that the chemical may be linked to a high risk of heart disease............

Mammography catches breast cancer at earlier stage

Some younger women may avoid breast cancer screening because they feel they have a low risk of being diagnosed with a health problem............

Lupus and arthritis prevent many women from having children

Women who suffer from lupus and arthritis tend to have fewer children than they would want, according to a new study published in the journal Arthritis Care and Research. The findings suggest that more women may benefit from seeking treatments like a prescription to buy Celebrex............

Lower reimbursement rates don't stop docs from offering osteoporosis test

A bone mineral density test is considered an important tool for diagnosing osteoporosis and determining if a patient requires a prescription to buy Fosamax............

Walking speed and grip strength predict stroke risk, study finds

Testing a patient's walking speed and grip strength may be a simple way for doctors to determine an individual's risk of experiencing a stroke in the future, according to a new study............

Exercising in early adulthood may reduce future risk of osteoporosis

Getting plenty of exercise early on in life may reduce a person's chances of requiring a prescription to buy Fosamax due to osteoporosis an adult. A new study has shown that people who are more physically active in their 20s have stronger bones later in life............

Romantic relationships are good for the heart, expert says

This Valentine's Day, individual's whose partner requires a prescription to buy Lipitor may want to spend a little extra time with their loved one. An expert says that romantic relationships may hold many benefits for cardiovascular health............

High prevalence of osteoporosis observed among heart disease patients

Individuals who are being treated for heart disease may benefit from talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Fosamax. Experts say that there is a high prevalence of the brittle bone condition among those with cardiovascular conditions............

Trans fat consumption down, says CDC report

Following the release of new food labeling guidelines, the consumption of trans fat dropped precipitously, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention............

Researchers discover strong ability to regenerate tissue in the knee

Individuals who require a prescription to buy Hyalgan to treat their arthritic knees may feel as though their condition is hopeless. However, a team of researchers from Duke University believes it may be possible to reverse the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee............

Temperature imbalance may cause prostate to enlarge

A temperature imbalance in the area around the prostate may cause it to swell and become enlarged, according to an expert from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. The situation often ends up forcing a man to seek a prescription to buy Flomax............

Heart disease may increase prostate cancer risk

A prescription to buy Lipitor can lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health, but men who suffer from cardiovascular disease may still want to talk with their doctor about their prostate cancer risk, as a new study has shown a connection between the two conditions............

Diet may improve arthritis symptoms

A prescription to buy Celebrex can be an effective treatment for the pain of osteoarthritis, but it is not the only thing individuals can do to improve their symptoms. Eating a healthy diet may be a powerful way to reduce pain and improve joint function............

Doctors develop new method for testing for osteoarthritis

Differentiating between the aches and pains of everyday life and the discomfort associated with osteoarthritis can be difficult for physicians............

Researchers develop test for osteoarthritis

Diagnosing the cause of joint pain can be difficult at times. There are a range of arthritic conditions, and identifying the right one plays an important role in a doctor's ability to recommend the appropriate treatment............

Report: Arthritis treatments should take into consideration other health conditions

In addition to being given a prescription to buy Celebrex or other medications, individuals with arthritis should receive coordinated care that addresses their other health concerns, according to a new report from the Institute of Medicine............

Binge drinking may not harm heart health as much as thought

Individuals who engage in binge drinking have been warned in the past that their alcohol consumption may increase their risk of developing cardiovascular disease and experiencing a heart attack or stroke............

Surgical biopsies not overused, study finds

Surgical biopsies are often used to determine the extent of a woman's breast cancer. This plays an important role in determining appropriate treatments, such as whether or not the patient will require a prescription to buy Tamoxifen............

Diabetes-related leg amputations drop

The number of diabetics who required leg amputations dropped significantly between 1996 and 2008, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention............

Most arthritis patients are inactive

Exercise is one of the best ways for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis who require a prescription to buy Hyalgan to improve their condition. However, new research suggests that many individuals with the condition remain inactive............

Fructose linked to metabolic risk factors in children

Children who consume high levels of fructose in their diet may be more likely to require a prescription to buy Actos later in life, as a new study has linked consumption of the sweetener in childhood to metabolic risk factors............

Many arthritis patients experience bouts of depression

Failing to seek a treatment, such as a prescription to buy Celebrex, for arthritis does not just mean that an individual is likely to continue suffering pain. The condition can affect numerous areas of a person's life, making it difficult for them to enjoy the things they used to............

Healthy lifestyle reduces arthritits risk

Many people accept joint pain as an inevitable part of the aging process. However, there are actually a number of ways individuals can support their joint health and reduce their odds of requiring a prescription to buy Celebrex............

Researchers determine when women should be retested for osteoporosis

Women who have been diagnosed with brittle bones may benefit from a prescription to buy Fosamax............

Experts advise osteoporosis patients to get more exercise

Many individuals who buy Fosamax to treat osteoporosis do not exercise because they are afraid of the risk this may pose to their fragile bones............

Many arthritis patients are inactive

The number of people who report no leisure-time activity has held steady over the course of the last decade, but individuals who buy Celebrex to treat osteoarthritis may be keeping rates of inactivity high, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention............

Researchers develop new method of testing for breast cancer metastasis

For women diagnosed with breast cancer, determining if the tumor cells have spread to the lymph nodes is a key part of determining the most appropriate treatment approach, including whether a prescription to buy Tamoxifen is needed. A new study may have found a better way of testing for metastasis............

Researchers find genetic link to bipolar disorder

A relatively rare set of genetic variations may significantly increase a person's risk of developing bipolar disorder and requiring a prescription to buy Zyprexa, according to a new study out of the University of California, San Diego............

Tax on sodas could greatly reduce diabetes rate

During the course of the past 10 years, a high number of people have come to require a prescription to buy Actos to treat their diabetes. Also during this time, consumption of soda has increased dramatically. Coincidence?...........

All trans fats not necessarily bad, study finds

For individuals who buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol levels, trans fat has become a dirty word. The past few years have brought us a number of studies indicating that trans fat can lead to dangerous increases in cholesterol levels............

Diabetes-prevention program successful, cost-effective

A lifestyle intervention program may help individuals control their blood sugar and even enable some people at risk for developing diabetes avoid the condition altogether, according to a new study. The approach may be an effective complement to a prescription to buy Actos for some............

Unhealthy maternal diet increases diabetes risk in offspring

Individuals whose mothers ate a poor diet while they were pregnant may be significantly more likely to require a prescription to buy Actos later in life to treat type 2 diabetes............

Large study connects low vitamin D levels to depression

A simple vitamin D test may help predict whether or not a person will require a prescription to buy Paxil to treat depressive symptoms, according to a new study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings............

Weight loss may help obese individuals deal with knee pain

Obese individuals are at a much higher risk of requiring a prescription to buy Hyalgan to treat knee pain............

Walking skills class improves hip replacement patients' mobility

Following hip replacement surgery, individuals who receive a prescription to buy Celebrex to treat their osteoarthritis may experience reduced pain. However, they often remain relatively immobile due to their condition............

Group releases guide to heart healthy airports

The holiday season is one of the busiest travel times of the year, which means that many people will be spending long hours in airports............

Lean beef doesn't always raise cholesterol levels, study finds

Many individuals who have a prescription to buy Lipitor or any other statin medication to lower their cholesterol levels may have been advised at some point to avoid eating too much red meat, as this food has high levels of saturated fat, which may raise cholesterol levels............

Compound in raspberries may reduce inflammation in arthritis sufferers

A prescription to buy Hyalgan is one of the best treatments for severe joint pain in the knees caused by arthritis. But there are many other things a person with the condition can do to lessen their systems that may complement this approach............

Newer prosthetic knees may put patients at risk

People who have severe osteoarthritis of the knee can buy Hyalgan to help them maintain mobility and independence............

New study predicts if breast cancer will return

Following surgery to remove a tumor from the breast, a prescription to buy Tamoxifen may be a powerful tool for preventing a recurrence of the cancer............

Holiday heartburn is a common problem

With large, rich meals playing such a central role in many holiday celebrations, heartburn has become a similarly prevalent feature of this time of year. Many individuals may end up thinking they require a prescription to buy Prevacid............

Ovary removal may increase women's osteoporosis risk

Women who have had their ovaries removed to reduce their risk of breast or ovarian cancer may be significantly more likely to develop osteoporosis, according to a new study out of Johns Hopkins University............

Few people with arthritis exercise, report states

More people are exercising in their free time these days than in previous decades, but individuals with arthritis remain unlikely to be physically active, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention............

Enlarged prostate often occurs alongside metabolic problems

Experts say that any older man who is experiencing urinary problems should talk to their doctor about a prescription to buy Flomax, as the condition may be linked to more serious health problems............

Osteoporosis affects men too

Osteoporosis is generally considered to be a condition that affects only females. While it is much more common among women, men can still develop weak bones. However, due to the lack of awareness, experts say far too few men are tested for the condition............

Low HDL may not necessarily be a cardiovascular risk factor

Many people receive a prescription to buy Lipitor to lower their levels of harmful LDL cholesterol. However, there are relatively few effective medications for raising the beneficial HDL cholesterol...........

Growth hormone may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in obese women, study finds

Growth hormone may be a powerful tool for fighting bone loss in obese women, a group at particularly high risk of developing osteoporosis, according to a new study. Pairing the medication with a prescription to buy Fosamax may have serious benefits............

Life experience may be most important in development of depression

A person who has to buy Paxil to manage their depressive symptoms may feel as though they were doomed from the start of their life to experience mood problems............

Common diabetes test may be ineffective in children

HbA1c testing is the most common method for diagnosing diabetes and determining if a patient requires a prescription to buy Actos. However, a team of researchers from the University of Michigan is now questioning the efficacy of this procedure............

Heart patients should exercise caution this holiday, expert warns

Individuals who buy Plavix to reduce their risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke may want to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with caution. Experts say that over-eating and drinking can lead to major cardiovascular complications............

Green tea may lower cholesterol levels

For individuals with high cholesterol, a prescription to buy Lipitor may be the best way to reduce their chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke. However, there are other lifestyle factors that may also contribute to improved heart health............

Use of alternative medicine is high among arthritis patients

Patients who suffer from arthritis are often given a prescription to buy Hyalgan to help them deal with their pain. However, new evidence suggests that many of these individuals also use complementary medicines like heat applications or natural supplements............

Heart attack patients with few cardiovascular risk factors may need extra medical attention

Doctors may assume individuals who suffer their first heart attack and have few traditional cardiovascular risk factors will make a full recovery. This may make the physician less likely to provide the patient with a prescription to buy Plavix............

Women should take proactive steps to avoid osteoporosis, expert says

Many people end up developing osteoporosis and requiring a prescription to buy Fosamax. While this medication is effective at reducing a person's risk of experiencing fractures, there are proactive steps a person can take to avoid the condition in the first place............

Researchers find hidden cause of arthritis

Many experts would say that a person who has develop arthritis and requires a prescription to buy Celebrex likely developed the condition - at least in part - from persistent wear and tear on their joints. However, researchers from Stanford University are now challenging this paradigm............

Blood sugar can be measured through the tears, researchers say

Individuals who buy Actos to manage their condition know that constantly testing blood sugar can be a hassle. The process generally involves pricking the fingers, which can cause serious pain and discomfort............

Strength training may benefit osteoporosis patients

Physical activity is important for individuals who are at risk for develop osteoporosis. However, not all types of exercise are the same. While cardiovascular training is important, experts say that individuals with weakened bones may benefit from muscle-building workouts as well............

Dietary improvements may help many people avoid heart disease

Many people are forced to buy Plavix to reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, but new research underscores the degree to which simply eating a healthier diet may prevent these types of cardiovascular problems............

New prostate surgery proven effective in treating BPH

Currently, the best medication to treat an enlarged prostate, a condition known as BPH, is a prescription to buy Flomax. But for men who have more severe cases, more intrusive steps may be necessary............

Moderate drinking linked to higher breast cancer risk

It is well known that high levels of alcohol consumption are linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and a need for a prescription to buy Tamoxifen. Now, new research shows that even lower levels of consumption can also increase risk............

Obesity may increase osteoporosis risk

Individuals who are significantly overweight may be more likely to require a prescription to buy Evista to reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis, as a new study has shown that a hormone related to obesity increases the risk of the brittle bone disease............

African American women at greater risk following gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes can be a potentially serious pregnancy complication, but it is often thought to have few long-term consequences, as it generally clears up after delivery............

Women from rural areas have higher risk of late-stage breast cancer

A prescription to buy Tamoxifen is one of the best ways to prevent a recurrence of breast cancer, but new research suggest that many women may not receive the chance to reap the benefits of the drug............

African Americans are at greater risk of osteoarthritis, study finds

African Americans have higher rates of osteoarthritis of the knees, hip and spine, according to a new study published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism. The findings suggest these individuals may have a greater need for a prescription to buy Celebrex............

Winter weather may bring greater joint pain for arthritis sufferers

Individuals who have been on the fence about talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Hyalgan for their join pain may want to do so now before winter arrives. Experts say that the old folklore about arthritis being worse in the winter may be true............

Experts say depression is associated with other neurological problems

Many people view depression as a problem that will simply go away after a while or when things improve in their life............

Omega-3s may reduce osteoarthritis risk

In addition to talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy hyalgan, there are many things women can do to reduce their risk of osteoarthritis. While medications are important, so too are lifestyle factors............

Researchers find genetic link tied to depression and suicide

People with a family history of depression and suicidal behavior may benefit the most from a prescription to buy Plavix, as a new study has shown that suicidal tendencies may stem in large part from an inheritable genetic alteration............

Researchers find that men with BPH aren't the only ones at risk for urinarary infections

Men who receive a prescription to buy Flomax to treat an enlarged prostate, also known as BPH, may be worried about lower urinary tract infections, as these are a common side effect of the condition............

Restless leg syndrome may predict cardiovascular complications

Restless leg syndrome can be an extremely uncomfortable condition to live with, but new evidence suggests that it may also increase a woman's risk of developing cardiovascular complications............

New imaging technique may diagnose heart risk early on

A prescription to buy Plavix can effectively reduce a person's risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, but determining which patients are at risk in the first place can be a challenge for doctors............

Group urges women to talk with their daughters about osteoporosis risk

Despite the fact that osteoporosis is highly heritable, new survey results from the National Osteoporosis Foundation indicate that few mothers talk with their daughters about the condition............

New discovery may help doctors spot patients at risk for osteoporosis

Many individuals who suffer from osteoporosis do not know they have the condition until they experience a broken bone. This is largely due to the fact that there are few early warning signs of the disease............

Poorer women not receiving enough breast cancer testing or treatment

Most women who are diagnosed with breast cancer are given a prescription to buy Tamoxifen after their surgery, which allows them to beat the disease............

Regular screening helps breast cancer survivors avoid a recurrence

Many women who have survived breast cancer are given a prescription to buy Tamoxifen to prevent a recurrence of the disease. New research suggests that when this medication is paired with regular mammograms, women are significantly less likely to ultimately die from the disease............

Even slightly elevated blood pressure can increase a person's stroke risk

For anyone who has even slight warning signs of being at risk for a heart attack or stroke, talking to their doctor about a prescription to Plavix could be important. A life-threatening cardiovascular event could occur, even in individuals who seem mostly healthy............

Exercise improves arthritis symptoms even in the absence of weight loss

Overweight individuals are known to be more likely to suffer from arthritis and require a prescription to buy Effexor. It is thought that the extra weight they carry creates greater wear and tear on their joints............

Fish may have beneficial effect on cholesterol

For individuals who buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol, adding a little more fish to their weekly diet may help bring their lipid levels down even further, which may help reduce their risk of suffering a stroke, according to a new study............

New blood test could determine who has had a heart attack

While the majority of heart attacks are major events that require swift medical attention, others are so minor that they are barely noticeable............

Diabetes may raise Alzheimer�s disease risk

Talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Actos is one of the most important things a person with diabetes can do to support their health. Unregulated blood sugar levels have been linked to a number of major health complications............

Researchers determine causes of fatigue in breast cancer patients

Women who are recovering from breast cancer and buy Tamoxifen to reduce their risk of a recurrence often experience fatigue. While some studies have indicated that the medication may be partially to blame, a new investigation suggests other factors are likely involved as well............

Low-carb high-protein diet shown to reduce breast cancer risk

Aside from obtaining a prescription to buy Tamoxifen, consuming a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein may be among the best ways women can avoid a recurrence of breast cancer, according to a new study............

Healthy lifestyles reduce the risk of heart failure

Individuals who avoid tobacco, exercise regularly, eat a nutritious diet and maintain a healthy weight may be significantly less likely to experience heart failure and require a prescription to buy Plavix, according to a new study published in the journal Circulation............

New program helps women get back to work after beating breast cancer

While women who buy Tamoxifen may have beaten breast cancer, they are likely still affected by symptoms of the condition and side effects of treatment. This can interfere with their ability to work effectively at their jobs............

Researchers find how being overweight for extended period effects diabetes risk

Both the degree to which a person is obese and the length of time they have been overweight are important factors in determining whether or not they will develop diabetes and require a prescription to buy Actos, according to a new study............

Researchers find link between psoriasis and poor cardiovascular disease outcomes

Following a heart attack, patients with psoriasis may benefit from a prescription to buy Plavix, as a new study has found that they are significantly more likely to die from cardiovascular complications than individuals without the condition who have experienced a heart attack............

Several lifestyle factors are important when it comes to diabetes risk

There are many things a person with diabetes can do to improve their condition. Seeking a prescription to buy Actos may be one of the most obvious............

Cardiovascular risk in women not associated with menopause

As women grow older, they are more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. For years, experts associated these cardiovascular risks with the hormonal changes that occur around menopause............

Former tennis star tells arthritis suffers to get moving

Many people with osteoarthritis are forced to buy Celebrex in order to cope with their condition, but experts are increasingly saying that adding an exercise regimen to this treatment approach may result in even better outcomes for people with joint pain............

Expert explains why arthritis pain gets worse in wet weather

Many people who buy Hyalgan for joint pain may find that their condition seems to worsen when the weather gets cold and humid. This is a common experience reported by many people who have conditions like arthritis. But why does it happen?...........

Low socioeconomic status tied to heart disease risk

A person's socioeconomic status may determine whether or not they need a prescription to buy Plavix, as a new study out of the University of California found that less fortunate individuals are more likely to develop heart disease than the wealthy...........

Researchers provide new dietary recommendations for individuals with high cholesterol

People who buy Lipitor know that controlling cholesterol levels is not easy. This is why it is so important to eat a healthy diet that does not make the problem worse............

Report estimates high prevalence of BPH in coming years

When a man begins experiencing urinary problems, the kind often associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia, he often feels embarrassed and doesn't want to discuss the matter with anyone............

Expert says salt is behind high rates of cardiovascular disease

Many people are forced to buy Plavix to reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. Now one expert is saying that high levels of salt in the diets of most people may be largely to blame for this condition............

Researchers find people with knee arthritis don't get enough physical activity

Aside from seeking a prescription to buy Euflexxa, getting plenty of physical activity is one of the best ways to keep the knees flexible and pain-free............

Enlarged prostate may be linked to prostate cancer risk

Men who buy Flomax to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, are generally considered not to be at risk for prostate cancer............

Many patients who go to the hospital for depression end up readmitted

Many people who have depression are given a prescription to buy Paxil, which helps them effectively control their symptoms............

Study confirms heart health benefits of exercise

Individuals can buy Plavix to control their risk of developing heart disease, and experts say that this medication is even more effective when it is paired with lifestyle improvements............

Menopause a negligible factor in women's diabetes risk, study finds

Many women worry that they may develop diabetes and may have to buy Actos to control their blood sugar after going through menopause............

Few doctors are following genetic testing guidelines for breast cancer

Advancements in genetic testing have allowed medical professionals to more accurately diagnose breast cancer and get a better idea of which of their patients could benefit from a prescription to buy Tamoxifen............

Blood test shown to predict heart disease in diabetics

Individuals who have diabetes are at a much greater risk of developing heart disease and often must buy Plavix in order to control their risk of heart attack or stroke............

More blue-collar workers struggle with arthritis into old age

Blue-collar workers are more likely to need to buy Hyalgan in order to manage their arthritis symptoms and keep working than their white-collar peers, according to a new study out of Columbia University............

Men should be mindful of their BPH risk

Many men have a condition known as benign prostate hyperplasia and would benefit from a prescription to buy Flomax, but are unaware of their condition. Helping more of these men understand their condition could play an important role in enabling them overcome its symptoms............

Online pharmacy drugs combined with holistic care may help patients with heartburn

After feasting on your favorite dish, there are few things worse than getting a terrible case of heartburn............

Effexor users may benefit from biomarker identification for treatment selection

Recent research points to the use of neuroimaging in the future to select effective treatment regimens for those taking Effexor for major depressive disorder............

Changing lifestyles to supplement Nexium, other heartburn medications

Individuals who experience chronic acid reflux have a variety of treatment options, including surgery, pharmaceuticals such as Nexium and holistic methods............

How weight loss can positively impact Nexium users

Chronic heartburn can be a debilitating condition, while recent studies have indicated that the effects of long-term acid reflux can be more serious, such as the development of throat and vocal cord cancers............

Effexor users might be more likely to experience episodes in stressful workplaces

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, and can become a debilitating mental condition when not diagnosed and treated swiftly with a combination of therapy and pharmaceuticals such as Effexor............

Mental wellness awareness crucial for Clomid consumers

Infertility, a condition sometimes treated with Clomid, can be a devastating issue for women and men, and scientists continue to try and find new methods of preventing or treating the conditions............

Study reveals drugs like Effexor might not always be needed for depression

Though many individuals take pharmaceuticals such as Effexor to decrease the negative symptoms of depression, researchers continue to find new alternative methods of treating the condition............

New postpartum depression study could affect Effexor users

Postpartum depression can be a difficult condition to diagnose, and extremely dangerous for new mothers, their children and the rest of their families............

CDI might be more common among those in need of Effexor

Depression can be a debilitating disorder, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that roughly one-tenth of the American population has some form of the condition............

Holistic therapy, ovulation app help Clomid users

Holistic approaches to the task of increasing fertility are becoming more widespread and have been showcasing successful results recently............

Effexor a safer alternative to treat depression than Iboga

Effexor remains one of the best tools to help manage symptoms of depression in some patients............

Reproductive capabilities important to childhood cancer survivors, some potentially buttressed by Clomid

Patients who survive childhood cancer have concerns and increased hope of having their own children in the future.�...........

Healthy eating, like�Effexor, can improve mood

Bad eating habits can worsen mood and even lead to depression.�...........

Serotonin's secret ability helps antidepressants like�Effexor to function

A new study points to a cause for depression and hope for the future.�...........

Like Effexor, vitamin D beneficial for depression

Overcoming a vitamin D deficiency can have positive effects for both depression and diabetes............

Online pharmacy shoppers can boost health�with weight training

When weight loss and overall physical health cannot be achieved solely through treatments purchased at a Canadian online pharmacy, experts recommend patients should adopt a lifestyle that includes regular resistance training............

Clomid users can prevent fetal addiction development with healthy diet

Women using Clomid may be interested in several studies that have shown a pregnant woman's poor eating habits are likely to be passed on to her child if she snacks on junk food during the fetus' development............

Combining Nexium with natural heartburn suppressants could help GERD relief

Treating heartburn and acid reflux can be difficult, since every patient's metabolism is different and shutting off acid production entirely is not a plausible option............

Seasonal affective disorder and Effexor treatment effectiveness

There are many people, men and women alike, who feel depressed during the winter months. In some landscapes, these symptoms can be especially exaggerated due to the duration and severity of these seasons............

Take Effexor and exercise for better depression recovery

Depressive symptoms can be triggered by a chemical imbalance in the brain that drugs like Effexor can help remedy............

Various lifestyle factors may indicate need for Effexor

Isolating underlying causes for depression and anxiety may require looking for pain problems and past medical history, among other things, that may trigger negative mood and outlook............

Beta blockers may prevent cognitive impairment

There's no such thing as a panacea for advanced medical conditions, but doctors do their best to ensure that patients are receiving the most comprehensive care possible for specific illnesses............

New approach to depression could help those on Effexor

Getting treatment for depression can require different approaches for every unique individual............

Natural fertility treatments may boost efficacy of Clomid

There are natural options for improving receptiveness in women that don't require taking medication............