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Buy Clopidogrel Online


Clopidogrel is often prescribed to patients who are at risk of heart attack or stroke, to reduce the risk of them suffering from the same. In addition, it can be used to reduce the risk of blood clots in patients who have prosthetic heart valves, those who have mitral valve disease, and for those who are undergoing a heart procedure. It is possible for patients to order Clopidogrel.


How it works

Clopidogrel belongs to a class of medications known as antiplatelets. It works by reducing the sticking ability of platelets in the blood, therefore preventing dangerous blood clots from forming. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Your search returned the following results for products that either match, relate to, or are possibly therapeutically equivalent to your search phrase "Clopidogrel".
Please note that all prescription products require a VALID PRESCRIPTION written by your doctor to be sent to us to complete your order.

Branded Products
To maximize your savings, see Generic products below.

 RX  Plavix (Clopidogrel) 300mg 30 Brand $432.00
 RX  Plavix (Clopidogrel) 300mg 60 Brand $858.00
 RX  Plavix (Clopidogrel) 300mg 90 Brand $1,287.00
 RX  Plavix (Clopidogrel) 75mg 28 Brand $61.00
 RX  Plavix (Clopidogrel) 75mg 56 Brand $116.00
 RX  Plavix (Clopidogrel) 75mg 84 Brand $171.00
 RX  Plavix (Clopidogrel) 75mg 112 Brand $218.00

Generic Products: what is a Generic?  

 RX  Clopidogrel (Generic) 75mg 30 Generic $25.00
 RX  Clopidogrel (Generic) 75mg 100 Generic $42.00
 RX  Clopidogrel (Generic) 75mg 200 Generic $69.00
 RX  Clopidogrel with Acetylsalicylic Acid 75mg/150mg 100 Generic $110.00
 RX  Clopidogrel with Acetylsalicylic Acid 75mg/75mg 100 Generic $110.00

All generic products listed above are NOT manufactured or authorized by the maker of the brand name product. They are manufactured by licensed generic manufacturers.

Directions for use/dosage

Patients can purchase Clopidogrel in tablet form, and the drug is taken orally. They should take the drug at around the same time every day, with or without food. Patients will be prescribed a specific dosage of Clopidogrel which is appropriate for their condition and requirements – therefore they should always follow the advice of their physician in relation to dosage.
Patients must continue to take Clopidogrel until advised otherwise by their doctor, even if they feel well. This is because the medication will only continue to work effectively whilst it is taken regularly – patients who stop taking Clopidogrel will not be protected from blood clots.


Side effects

In order for Clopidogrel to work effectively, the body must convert it to its active form. Some people may be unable to do this as well as others, and this can actually increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Patients who are concerned about this should speak to their doctor before starting to take Clopidogrel. Some patients may be offered testing prior to being prescribed the drug, to determine whether they are likely to suffer from an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
Common side effects may include nosebleeds, excessive tiredness, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, stomach pain and dizziness. More serious side effects may include hives, itching and a rash, hoarseness, difficulty in breathing or swallowing, bloody, black or tarry stools, coffee grounds vomit, loss of vision, and bleeding under the skin. Patients who experience prolonged or serious side effects should seek immediate medical assistance.



The drug may not be suitable for those who have bleeding in the brain, bleeding ulcers, or any other form of severe bleeding. In addition, it may not be suitable for those who have been recently injured, or for those with a history of kidney disease, liver disease, or stomach problems. Patients should inform their doctor of any conditions they suffer from before taking Clopidogrel.
In addition, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not buy Clopidogrel. If a patient taking Clopidogrel believes they may be pregnant, they should seek immediate medical advice.

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